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  • 水磨石-6736(600mm*600mm)


  • 水磨石-6735(600mm*600mm)


  • Terrazzo-6734(600mm*600mm)


  • Terrazzo-6733(600mm*600mm)


  • Floor series

    Floor series

    Baifu flooring series are divided into solid wood flooring, solid wood multi-layer flooring, and composite flooring. The product types are rich and are used in brand store floor decoration applications in many fields, which have been well received by many customers.……
  • Floor tiles series

    Floor tiles series

    Baifu floor tiles series are divided into: antique tiles, glazed tiles, wood-grain tiles, polished tiles, colored tiles, large-size rock slabs, etc., with a rich product range and application in brand store floor decoration in many fields……
  • New product material series

    New product material series

    MRBM The mats are made of recycle materials by screening and reprocessing. It is environmentally friendly。